I am a charitable giver. I think everyone would like to be and the Community Foundation makes it easy. Establishing a personal fund at the Foundation eliminates paperwork worry plus, your giving helps the causes in the community which mean the most to you. There is almost nothing that the Foundation can’t do to help you be the best charitable giver you can be.
Gordon Elliott

From my experience in the healthcare industry I am aware of the financial challenges people face daily. Many women go without meeting their own healthcare needs in order to provide for their families. The Rita J. Bicknell Women’s Giving Circle provides funding for programs which change women’s lives for the better. I feel good knowing that by participating in the RJB Giving Circle I have the ability to enhance other women’s lives.
Suzy Sexton

Our family and our law firm are pleased to have played a small role in the founding of the Community Foundation. We believe the Community Foundation to be a convenient vehicle to facilitate the achievement of our clients’ charitable goals. As we help our clients anticipate and plan for the transfer of wealth from generation to generation, many clients choose to create a legacy in their communities by leaving a portion of their family fortune in a fund at the Community Foundation, For Good. Forever.
Kevin Mitchelson
More Stories
Over on our blog, we routinely spotlight the students who receive CFSEK scholarships, the organizations that receive CFSEK grants, and the donors who make it all possible! Check out the latest stories below.
- Cherry Street Youth Center: Chanute’s hidden gem
- Mount Carmel Foundation Aligns with CFSEK to Continue Legacy of Healthcare Support in Southeast Kansas
- Dream Big Little One: A “simple” solution to a “simple” problem
- From SEK to the Silver Screen and Beyond!
- New Dragon Feet Fund provides shoes for PHS student-athletes
- Healthcare the way it should be
Tell Us Your Story
iSEK, I’m a Child of Southeast Kansas, is about telling the region’s stories and celebrating our shared history. Whether you were born here and your family has a deep rooted history in Southeast Kansas or you have moved here recently, but now call Southeast Kansas your home, we all share a sense of pride in what it means to be a Southeast Kansan.
The Community Foundation is working hard to ensure the way of life so many of us enjoy remains an option for the next generation. By cultivating philanthropy, we are sustaining and improving the way of life in this region.
We have begun with a few stories of individuals who consider Southeast Kansas their home. Now it’s time to hear from you! Why are you a child of Southeast Kansas? What does it mean to you to call this corner of the state your home?