As a Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas fundholder, you now have access to an online fund-advisor portal where you can find information about your funds and even submit grant requests!
You can log in to the fund-advisor portal 24/7/365 by clicking the button below or the “Fund-Advisor Portal” link in our website footer.
Getting started with the fund-advisor portal
CFSEK staff will email you a login name and a link to access your fund-advisor portal. Click the link, and you will be prompted to create your own password to the fund-advisor-portal site. Once you’ve created your password, navigate to the Login page, enter your credentials, and log in.
Navigating the fund-advisor portal
When you first log into the fund-advisor portal, you will be taken to your fund’s Overview page if you serve as advisor for just one fund. If you serve as an advisor for multiple funds, you will be taken to your homepage, which will list all the funds for which you serve as advisor. Select the fund with which you wish to interact.
Main sections of the fund-advisor portal

Once you are on a fund Overview page, you can select the tabs at the top of the page to review the different types of information that are available to you. Below is a summary of the information presented on each tab:
- Overview. This tab shows a summary of your fund’s total current balance and, if your fund is an endowment, its spendable balance. Other information may be summarized, followed by a list of recent gifts to the fund and grants by the fund.
- My Homepage. If you are a fund advisor for other funds, this tab will let you switch between them.
- Gifts. This tab shows all contributions to the fund. You can click on a donor’s name to bring up his or her contribution history.
- Outgoing Grants. This tab shows the grant history for your fund. You can click on a grant’s ID number to see more detail.
- Make A Grant. If you are authorized to recommend grants from your fund (for example, if it is a donor-advised fund or an agency fund), you will see this tab enabling you to do so online. See below for more information about submitting a grant request.
- Statements. If available, the Statements tab lists quarterly fund statements generated since the first quarter of 2023.
- Files. The Files tab allows you to view and download any files that have been uploaded to your fund’s record. Initially, this will include your fund’s establishing document, investment-recommendation form, and copies of your pre-2023 quarterly fund statements.
- Donate. The Donate link opens our online donations portal, where you can donate to any of our charitable funds. Some of our funds are not publicly listed on our online donations portal, but if you are a fund advisor on one of those funds, you will be able to see it there.
- Financials. On this tab, you can generate a statement of financial position or statement of activities for your fund using a date you specify.
- Logout. Use this tab to exit your current session on the fund-advisor portal.
We expect to add more features over time, so keep checking this page to stay up on the latest!
Updating your profile information
Click the Profile link above the navigation tabs in your portal to edit your login, email address, mailing address, or telephone number. Additionally, you can change your password and enable two-factor authentication to make your account more secure. Be sure to click the Save button to save your changes.
Coming soon
The Community Foundation will be gradually rolling out new features for the fund-advisor portal, including an investments tab so you can see more information about how your funds’ assets are invested. Stay tuned to this page for updates!
Where is…? Comparing the fund-advisor portal with a legacy fund statement

Through the end of 2022, the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation’s Greater Horizons program managed CFSEK’s back-office work, including preparing our fundholders’ quarterly fund statements. If you’ve been a fundholder for a while, here’s a look at where the information presented in GKCCF’s fund statements can be found in your new fund-advisor portal.
Investment Portfolio Summary
Investment information is not yet available in your fund-advisor portal, but we expect it will be soon!
Statement of Financial Position
You can generate a statement of financial position for a date you specify on the Financials tab of your fund-advisor portal.
Statement of Fund Activity
You can generate a statement of fund activity for a period you specify on the Financials tab of your fund-advisor portal.
Pooled Investment Review
Investment information is not yet available in your fund-advisor portal, but we expect it will be soon!
Transaction Detail
You can view a truncated list of recent gifts to your fund and grants from your fund on the Overview tab. You can view a full list of gifts to your fund on the Gifts tab and a full list of approved grants on the Grants tab. You can also view a list of recent grants on the Grant Request tab.
Submitting a grant request online
One of the most exciting features of the new CFSEK fund-advisor portal is the ability to submit grant requests through the portal itself. This functionality is available day and night, including on weekends and the holidays when the CFSEK office is closed. Here’s how it works:
Step 1. Select a grant recipient
You’ll start by selecting a grant recipient in one of four ways:
- Select a previous grantee. You can select an organization or CFSEK fund that you’ve granted to before using the appropriate dropdown menus at the top of this page.
- Select another CFSEK fund. You can select any of CFSEK’s funds (except for donor-advised funds set up by others) from the dropdown menu.
- Search for an organization. You can search for an organization using its name, city, and state. By default, your search will be limited to organizations CFSEK has given to in the past, but you can click the “Guidestar Results” button to view even more organizations.
- Manually enter a grantee’s information. Finally, you can manually enter an organization’s details to recommend a grant to it. Name, address, city, state, ZIP code, and telephone are required fields.

Step 2. Enter grant information
After you select a grant recipient as described above, you will be taken to the New Grant Request page, where you will see the following fields:
- Grantee. This will list the grantee you selected in the previous step.
- Description. You can provide a brief description (up to 255 characters) of the grant’s purpose.
- Amount. Enter the amount of your grant.
- Anonymous. Check this box if you want the grant to be made anonymously. Then, the fund name will not be disclosed to the grantee.
- Recurring. Check this box if you want to schedule a series of identical grants over time. If so, you will need to provide a start date, interval, and number of recurring grants.
- Attachment. Attach supporting documentation by browsing to the file or by dragging and dropping it on the page. For example, for agency funds, you can attach a copy of a board resolution authorizing the grant.
- Attachment Description. Enter details about any attached documents.
- Additional Notes. Enter any information that is important for CFSEK staff to know when processing your request. For example, you could include the grantee’s tax ID number or note that your grant is in honor or memory of someone. You could also note that the grant is for a particular program or cause within a larger nonprofit or that it should be directed to a specific person or department.

Step 3. Review grant information & submit
Before submitting the grant request, you can review the information you have entered and either make changes to it or submit the request. Once submitted, a confirmation message will appear on the screen along with the option to continue.

Getting help
Having trouble accessing or using your fund-advisor portal? You can contact Joshua McCloud for assistance.
Last updated March 14, 2024.