Join GACF & CFSEK for the free Cultivating Your Legacy: Farm & Ranch Transition Planning luncheon

The Community Foundation is partnering with its affiliate, the Girard Area Community Foundation, to host a free weekend luncheon for area farmers and ranchers. The luncheon will be hosted at noon on Saturday, March 15, in the cafeteria at Girard High School. It will feature a free presentation by Ashlee Westerhold of K-State’s Office of Farm and Ranch Transition and free lunch from Chicken Annie’s Girard.

Registration is requested but not required so we have an idea how much lunch to order.

You can read find a preview of Ashlee’s presentation along with her bio and a registration form at

Special thanks to our sponsors, GNBank and Crawford County Farm Bureau, and to Ashlee for agreeing to teach us all a thing or two!