CFSEK has announced a record-breaking Match Day 2021 grand total of $223,190.37! On November 30, the Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas hosted its sixth annual Match Day event. CFSEK hosts Match Day each year to join in the celebration of generosity on Giving Tuesday, a national day dedicated to giving and philanthropy.
Community contributions raised $176,190.37, and an additional $47,000 in matching funds was provided by the Community Foundation, plus two community donors, to organizations on a prorated percentage basis. Contributions to the 31 participating organizations will grow their endowed funds held at the Community Foundation, which will generate income annually to help them achieve their missions.
“Match Day 2021 proved once again the incredible level of generosity we have in our community,” said Devin Gorman, CFSEK executive director. “We appreciate the hundreds of generous individuals who gave to these wonderful organizations that provide vital services and support to our community every day.”
Since the Community Foundation’s first Match Day in 2016, close to $1 million in total contributions and matching funds have been given in support of local nonprofit organizations. This year’s Match Day also saw a record for the total number of donors and donations.
“Each donor and every donation is an important part of our campaign’s success,” said Gorman. “We are grateful to everyone who supported Match Day 2021 and made the conscious decision to invest in their community.”